Create your de.iterate account

By creating an account, you agree to our Terms & Conditions and have read and acknowledge our Privacy Policy.

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Select Standards

What compliance standards would you like to enable in your tenancy?

Privacy Act
Essential 8
Defence Industry Security Program (DISP)*

The DISP standard is an add-on to the Essential 8 & Privacy Act tenancy. This will add AUD$199 (excl. GST) to the total monthly invoice.

Subscribe to de.iterate

Error Occurred with your payment
Privacy Act & Essential 8 Module Billed Monthly
Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) Module Billed Monthly
GST (10%)
GST (10%)
Total due today
Total due today

Payments are handled by Stripe.

Welcome to de.iterate

Tell us a bit more about your company so we can personalise your experience

Information Types

What sort of personal information does your company collect and use that it wants to keep safe? Select all that apply.

Employee records
Tax file numbers
Bank account details
Emails and text messages
Customer service chat log
Email addresses
Transaction history
Loyalty program history
Customer feedback
Employee timesheets
Website traffic analytics
Medical records

Email Provider

What provider does your company use for its emails?

Accounting Software

What software does your company use to manage its finances?

Productivity Software

What software does your company use to manage projects and workflow?